Your Step-by-Step Guide to our HEALTHY HOMES ASSESSMENT

Tackling Damp, Mould and Condensation

Our Healthy Homes Assessments are both efficient and comprehensive. By gaining a clear understanding of your property’s well-being, we promptly identify and address concerns, providing expert recommendations and remedial actions, particularly related to damp, mould, and condensation issues.

condition survey retrofit assessment pas2035

Condition Survey

We perform a detailed condition survey of the building to identify any structural issues, moisture problems, or decay that may need to be addressed. By completing an inspection, we can evaluate the overall health, safety, and maintenance requirements. This survey provides a comprehensive report detailing the observed defects and the general condition of the building, helping property owners, buyers, or managers make informed decisions about necessary reactive repairs and programmed maintenance.

Ventilation Inspection

Our surveyors conduct air-flow tests of all ventilation systems and inspect background ventilation in accordance with best practice and Approved Document F. This way we can verify the adequacy of a ventilation strategy and its efficient operation in maintaining normal relative humidity levels, removal of odours, operational noise and indoor air quality. Our detailed reports clearly indicate devices operating optimally, those that are redundant, and the ones requiring upgrades.

ventilation survey
energy efficiency lighting epc performance certificate

Energy Assessment

Our Surveyors take a good look at the building fabric along building services such as the boiler and heating controls to ensure that levels of insulation are adequate and the heating system is at the optimal settings that will help reduce and prevent the occurrence of damp and mould, while keeping energy usage to an acceptable level.

Occupancy Assessment

This will look more closely at how many people, occupants, live in the property and how they use it, e.g. how many hours they are typically in the property, how many showers they have per day, energy use and heating patterns. This helps determine to correct recommendations in our Healthy Homes Assessment.

healthy home occupancy assessment occupants

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